Electronic health record HiX

Innovative software solutions for healthcare

Our EHR: HiX

As a healthcare provider you strive to deliver the best care in the most efficient way. You need software that supports complex healthcare processes as well as the people providing the care. We are the partner of choice for healthcare organizations across the board - from large hospitals and GPs, to specialist care and mental health services. Our software solution HiX builds on 30 years of experience.

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Our vision

ChipSoft develops cutting-edge software that supports healthcare professionals –from medical specialists to admin and executives- in providing the best quality of care in the most efficient way. Our mission is to contribute to greater patient safety and more efficiency in healthcare.

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Our story

Gerrit Mulder, surgeon at the Amsterdam BovenIJ hospital, encountered a problem in 1986. The amount of paperwork in the hospital was increasing and administration consumed a huge amount of his time. Time he would rather spend on his patients. His son Hans is convinced that this can be easier, faster and, above all, better. He comes to his father's aid and develops a software program that takes away a lot of administrative hassle. ChipSoft was born and the first system was a fact: Remedies.

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Contact us

Curious about specific solutions for your healthcare institution or department? We would love to get in touch with you! Whether you prefer an online demonstration or an in-person appointment, we can accommodate your preference.

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HiX in healthcare

Latest news

Innovative EHR contributes to international ambitions of Curaçao Medical Center

For over 5 years, Curaçao Medical Center (CMC) which is situated on an island near a 10 hour flight from the Netherlands, has been successfully working with HiX. Over the course of those five years, CMC has transformed from a hospital working almost only on paper into a hypermodern hospital with the technological edge in the Caribbean. IT Manager Elmer Kwidama speaks on the remote collaboration and the goals of CMC: "HiX allows us to establish ourselves as an international hospital."

Largest EHR implementation in Belgium with hospital groups ZNA and GZA

Since 23 September, Hospital Network Antwerp (ZNA) has started using ChipSoft's electronic health record (EHR) HiX in its various locations. It is the result of an intensive joint implementation process with network partner GZA Hospitals, which had its go-live with HiX in June of this year. In anticipation of the scheduled merger of the healthcare facilities by 2024, the implementation of HiX in ZNA has made the digital cooperation of both organisations a reality. The joint EHR is the ideal tool for the hospitals to provide patients in the Antwerp region with quality and safe care.

The 5 most frequently asked questions regarding an EHR implementation

The implementation of an electronic health record (EHR) is a complex process that requires much time and effort from healthcare facilities and their staff. Those involved in the process will undoubtedly have many questions and concerns. This article covers the five most frequently asked questions regarding an EHR implementation, offering answers, tips, and tricks along the way.

Critical success factors for a favourable EHR implementation

The implementation of an integrated electronic health record (EHR) is a huge undertaking for hospitals. It is a commitment that requires a great deal of time and energy from all employees, but the end result comes with many perks, including more efficient work processes, significant amounts of time saved, and increased patient safety. This article will discuss a couple of components found in the implementation process that serve as critical success factors for the favourable installation of a new EHR. However, it goes without saying that all steps and aspects contribute to a positive outcome of the EHR implementation.

Healthcare professionals about HiX

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