In order to tailor our EHR optimally to all types of end users, ChipSoft runs so-called user groups in which we work with healthcare professionals on further expanding and improving HiX. These content user groups supplement ChipSoft's regular developments and innovations. Ingrid van der Hoek, Director of Customer Relations, fills us in.
Ingrid, you started the user groups three years ago. Why?
Better care together. That's what we stand for. By participating in the user groups, HiX end users are able to contribute to the expansion and improvement of the pre-configured content. These contributions are incorporated into the pre-configured content and will automatically be available to clients who use the pre-configured content. Each healthcare professional is offered the opportunity to participate in the content user groups for a minimum period of one year. The chairpersons and ChipSoft, along with the participants, are responsible for the success of the user groups. This allows us to improve HiX together and support work processes even more effectively with Care IT solutions. Close to 2,000 healthcare professionals now participate in the user groups. I am extremely proud of what we have achieved in recent years with our clients and end users of HiX.
ChipSoft community | Improving HiX | Optimising work processes | Combining expertise | Networking and sharing knowledge
What are your ambitions? Where will you be in a few years?
The added value of the user groups is that this initiative serves as a platform to draw attention to the level of knowledge, innovations and existing functionalities, and which enables us to share our experiences with each other. The first priority of physicians and nurses is, of course, to provide patient care. HiX needs to be supportive as an EHR and lighten the administrative burden. This will be our focus for the coming years.
In choosing members for the team, I deliberately included colleagues from our own organisation who had many years of experience and from different departments. This will allow us to continue the building process with our user groups in the coming years. My dream of building bridges to connect clients and ChipSoft even more closely is now starting to take shape. We are just getting started; we will continue to build on initiatives.
Client participation is crucial. We have always focused on innovation, but this additional line of development further enhances our capacity for expansion and improvement. Our software consultants and developers anticipate the feedback from the user groups, so the paths from technology to the workplace have become a lot shorter. I'm convinced that we need one another to progress. Better care together!
Michel Danneels, member of the CMIO and CMIO AZ Delta User Group
"There is great value in working with healthcare professionals and listening to end users. We are on the right track of adding value specifically for Belgian hospitals, too. "
Anita Scholten, member of the Nursing User Group and CNIO at Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital
"The network offered by the platform is highly valuable. Sharing experiences within the group provides me with insights that I can take with me and share within my own organisation."
Peter Geerlings, chairman of the CMIO User Group and cardiologist at St. Jans Gasthuis Weert
"The user groups are a fantastic channel for the structural improvement and expansion of HiX. It has successfully helped to channel the proliferation of initiatives. In one place, without hassle, and widely supported."
Ilya Tchetverikov, chairman of the Rheumatology User Group and rheumatologist at Albert Schweitzer Hospital
"Within the user groups, participants from various healthcare institutions work together according to each speciality to identify what is wanted and reach consensus regarding enrichments in HiX. This has enabled us to achieve further developments in patient participation and value-based support within the EPD.''
From left to right: Michel Danneels, Anita Scholten, Peter Geerlings and Ilja Tchetverikov.