The patient portal allows the patient to share his own care process in a user friendly way. For instance, setting up of appointments online, access to dossier, eConsult with physician, entering readings, keeping a diary and informative material pertaining the patient's condition.
Patient portal and HiX
The user friendly patient portal forms an integrated part of HiX. The patient is able to view specific sections of his EPD and his entries on the portal are part of his EPD. This makes them immediately viewable to his practitioners.
Portal 'knows' patient
The portal 'knows' the care requirement(s) for the patient and provides content that is in keeping with his specific situation. Is the patient diabetic? If so, he will be provided with questionnaires, diaries and information leaflets that are relevant for diabetics.
Is the patient being treated by other specialisations? Then the portal offers relevant information and registration possibilities with regard to those conditions as well.
Patient participation
You fulfil an important requirement with the patient portal: more patient participation. By opening the digital hospital doors, you enable patients to organise their care issues from home. They are no longer tied to opening times and locations. There is also a decreased necessity for them to report to the care institution in person. Even follow-up consultations with a specialist can be done online by, for instance, eConsults or with the integration of video consultations.
Patient as partner
At the same time, the patient portal takes the pressure off registrations by care givers. Patients become partners who take over time-consuming registrations. Consider the specific questionnaires that have to be completed prior to a visit to a doctor. There are also various readings the patient can perform at home and then enter the results himself into HiX via the portal. By handing over these kind of administrative tasks to the patient, health carers will get some 'breathing space', thus enabling care organisations to work more efficiently.
• Increased binding with patients
• Decrease in registration pressure for health carers
• More efficient deployment of personnel and resources.