Health care information building blocks (CIBs) make it easier, more efficient and more secure to share data from EPDs with other parties. In HiX, CIBs are built in in such a way that health care providers record them unnoticed and your care organisations can then use them in an optimal way.
Health care information building blocks in HiX
CIBs are integrated into HiX in a smart way. HiX ensures that the necessary information can be extracted from the system as building blocks and can be exchanged with external parties, such as other care providers, patients or "delivery institutions". The generation of the building blocks is optimally integrated into the file administration so that the entry load for health care professionals is not increased.
Clear care information
CIBs are developed by Nictiz, in cooperation with health care professionals. They are developed to create "clear care information" and to ensure that health care providers log the correct care information unnoticed. Each building block describes in detail what must be recorded on a certain subject in the care process (for example an action or diagnosis) of the patient. This provides a crystal clear block of information that can be reused in every place and every situation as ready to use.
With Zorgplatform, we lift the exchange of CIBs beyond HiX. Each health care provider can join Zorgplatform and all participating health care providers can exchange CIBs in a secure manner, even if they do not have a cooperative relationship or use different (ZIS/)EPD, HIS or platforms for home monitoring.
Involved in every development
ChipSoft is closely involved in the further development of health care information building blocks. We participate in organisations including the core group "Recording at the source" of the NVZ, Nictiz and NFU and work together with the V&VN.
• Exchanging structured information within and outside of your health care organisation
• Crystal clear information that is ready-to-use
• Optimal use of data
• Use of CIBs is seamlessly integrated into the work process of health care providers