HiX offers nursing homes, care facilities and home care organisations a completely integrated and innovative health care information system/electronic patient dossier (ZIS/EPD). This total solution for file management, care administration, care logistics, planning and eHealth supports health care professionals and administrative staff optimally during their activities.
Integrated EPD
HiX offers a fully integrated EPD in which all care activities are recorded completely. With this, HiX is THE total solution for your nursing, care and home care organisation.
With HiX, your organisation has file management, optimal support in methodical methods, eHealth, registrations for the BOPZ, management information and financial settlement in one integrated system. So care providers, treating physicians and paramedics as well as the geriatrician, physiotherapist and dietician are fully supported.
Registration at the source
HiX not only ensures the 'single registration at the source and multiple use', it also puts your organisation in a position to utilise all possible control mechanisms, decision support, care paths, data analyses and communication tools to support care providers in an optimal and integrated manner. So you, as an organisation, will get a considerable boost in efficiency, increase your client security, reduce your registration load and optimise the financial declarations.
Working methodically
Working methodically is an important part of the process within a nursing home, care facility and home care organisation. HiX supports methodologies and standards. This ensures that working methodically and systematically within your care facility is safeguarded. Examples of methods and standards within HiX are: the Actiz Model Care Plan. An example of a methodology and standard that is fully supported by HiX is the Actiz Model Care Plan. In addition, the medical histories and care problems, based on the classification of NANDA, NIC and NOC (Carpenito), the 11 health patterns of Gordon and the care problems according to the PES structure are part of HiX. The OMAHA systems will soon also be supported.
In this, the risk factors, aetiology and possible symptoms are automatically recorded, including the associated objectives and interventions. These interventions are automatically placed on the nursing work list, after which the outcome of these objectives can be reported.