Hospital pharmacist Vera Middel-Baars was the process owner of the medication process during the implementation phase in Kempenhaeghe. Together with the EVS and Apotheek Logistiek work groups, she took care of the secure setup of the entire medication trajectory, from prescription to administration. “There is a close alignment between all disciplines in cure and care." Everyone represented
“The EVS work group consists of a nice mix of professionals. All our disciplines are represented here: three prescribers, one neurologist, one AVG (intellectual disability) physician, a nursing specialist, two nurses of whom one from cure (patient admissions) and one from care (assisted living), two pharmacy assistants, one functional manager, the project leader, the HiX Coach and myself. We have been able to agree on one methodology with all of them."
Closed loop
"I have put my heart and soul in the medication process. That's why I am really pleased that we now have a fully closed loop. That way we have mapped all movements of medication, from prescribing to administering, including any modifications. The entire process, including pharmacy logistics, is digitised."
Logistical challenge
"Three different types of medication have now been set up: T for 'thuis' (home) medication, O for 'opname' (admission) medication and V for 'verpleeg' (nursing home/care home) medication, which in our case refers to the epilepsy centre and residential care. That distinction proved a logistical challenge because the medication also has to be delivered to the residences and not only to clinical admission (cure) as is common practice in general hospitals. This was finally achieved by the work group Pharmacy logistics. Situations where (care) residents are temporarily admitted to cure have also been catered for."
Final sprint
"In the final weeks preceding going live we have successfully delivered a gigantic final sprint with the testing and delivery of functionalities. In this context, one could easily compare the entire project with a marathon. In a marathon, you sometimes have a tailwind, sometimes a headwind and with the end in sight, you make a dash for the finish line."