Take a survey of medical specialists and it soon becomes clear why they are pleased to work with ChipSoft. "It's evident that ChipSoft responds to our needs."
We speak to three medical specialists from different healthcare organisations: Henk Drost, cardiologist at Slingeland Hospital; Jeroen van Essen, surgeon at SJG; and Klaas van der Heijden, orthopaedist and medical director of Clinic ViaSana. The specialists are unanimous in their verdict. "ChipSoft employs experts who truly team with us, which means we have a supported ICT healthcare system."
Jeroen van Essen gives a concrete example of his collaboration with ChipSoft. "During the automation of our mammacare we had intensive contact with each other regarding the configuration of our software. As a specialist it's a great advantage to be closely involved in the development of the system. I also noticed that our suggestions were genuinely taken into account."
Significant time saving
Henk Drost has also noticed that he is saving time. "Previously everything was recorded in writing in paper files. These could only be in one place at a time. Even research data such as ECG measurements, laboratory results and X-ray examinations could be viewed in one location only. The chief advantage of an electronic patient file is having fast access to this data from numerous locations. This is efficient and time-saving. This data can even be viewed from home to allow the situation to be responded to quickly and appropriately. This could be during evening and night shifts, for example. In addition, I have the option of quickly sending a letter from the EPD (Electronic Patient Dossier) to the GP."
The right development choices every time
Klaas van der Heijden from ViaSana has been working with ChipSoft for about 15 years, witnessing the evolution of ICT at close range. "ChipSoft always makes the right choices in terms of development, which is very smart. Our input is frequently incorporated during development, so we do feel we're being taken seriously. "Henk Drost has had the same experience. "The consultants project a professional image. They know what they're talking about and are always willing to listen."
ChipSoft attaches great importance to input from specialists. After all, they are the ones who know exactly what is needed to steer health care in the right direction. ChipSoft collects all input from specialists and combines it with the findings from previous implementations, thus developing standard content for each specialty. This incorporates all medical content for each specialty in order to provide optimal healthcare support. As a result, new organisations and specialists automatically benefit from the knowledge of their professional colleagues.
Strong emphasis on usability
Besides the content, there is a strong emphasis on the usability of the software. Registration and reference material for patients, for example, are displayed separately from each other in logical format within a single screen, enabling specialists to review the historical records while making an entry. They don't have to actively search for them. This type of support provides the specialists with an extra check as well as the time they need. They can also set personal preferences in HiX, enabling them to find their way around even faster during their daily tasks. Or as Van der Heijden puts it: "HiX is fast and great to work with. The interface is logical and attractive. The functionalities are all found in logical places."
Still a partner post-implementation
ChipSoft remains closely involved with the specialists even after implementation. Klaas van der Heijden explains, "We have a highly competent account manager who teams with us, and management call in every year. This is excellent. They really respond to our needs." These are exactly the words used by Henk Drost to describe the collaboration. "ChipSoft listens to the practitioner's needs and always endeavours to create solutions."
One of those "needs" is the implementation of extensive decision support. ChipSoft is already responding to this on a large scale. In several organisations it is used to check whether protocols are being followed. In the medical field, for example, hospitals are already implementing a check between lab results and medication. This provides detailed information as to how the new lab results will affect the patient (in terms of medication). Specialists can modify their treatment procedures right here.
Intelligence in EPD
This kind of coaching role greatly appeals to Henk Drost. As a result, he would like to work with ChipSoft to use intelligence even more fully in the EPD in Slingeland. "What I want is for the EPD to help me make the right decision for the patient. I'd like to develop this further with ChipSoft. Based on what I enter, the EPD must participate with me in forming the correct diagnosis. This includes a link to guidelines and decision trees. To give an example: for a patient with a heart valve problem, the EPD helps to devise the right treatment based on information such as ultrasound and laboratory data. Should I treat the patient with tablets or is an operation necessary? What are the risks and prognosis? There is a wealth of data about this that can be integrated into the EPD. By using this supply of data we can further improve patient treatment. And if the patient views this data, he or she can actively participate in the decision making." Drost also wants to collaborate in taking on challenging opportunities in the field of touchscreens and voice software — challenges that ChipSoft has already met in other hospitals. "I'd like to work on a touch device located in a recess in my desktop so I can talk to patients without having my back to them.
Next I want to touch the screen to call up the required data, such as the ECG and chest radiographs To enter data, I touch the 'case history' field on the screen and then use speech technology to enter the patient's story. This is something l'd like to achieve with ChipSoft in the near future. Just like the challenge to communicate with the pharmacy by voice."
Reliable partner with excellent product
No lack of ideas, then. This is why ChipSoft likes to stay in contact with the specialists. Any input can be of further assistance in health care. As Klaas van der Heijden from ViaSana says, "It's wonderful to have a partner who teams with you like this. At ViaSana we're very happy we opted for ChipSoft 11 years ago, as this has given us a most reliable partner with an excellent product."