ChipSoft privacy statement - Personal data protection

It goes without saying that you do not want your online search and browsing behaviour to be available for everyone to see. This includes looking for job openings, signing up for one of our events, online chat conversations, which e-learning courses you have followed, et cetera. ChipSoft does everything in its power to ensure that your personal data truly stay personal. This privacy statement will tell you about the types of data ChipSoft stores of you, as a (potential) job applicant, visitor of our website, or customer.

ChipSoft stores your personal data in a secured database. In doing so, we comply with national regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), or Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) in Dutch. Your data are only shared with third parties helping us to find potential new colleagues or with whom we work when organising events. Any third parties also comply with national regulations and will have, and adhere to, data processing agreements. Your data are never shared with third parties for commercial purposes. The sections below explain the types of data we ask of you and the purposes for which these data are used. Each section also tells you about your rights, who has access to your data, and the period for which ChipSoft retains your data.

What personal data does ChipSoft process, why, and on what lawful basis?

The overview below explains the purposes for which ChipSoft processes your personal data. For each section, it explains what data ChipSoft uses for that particular purpose, the lawful basis for processing the data, and the period for which ChipSoft retains the data.

I. Applicants

Personal data provided to ChipSoft by applicants are used exclusively to facilitate an honest, effective, and efficient recruitment and selection process. ChipSoft collects and processes applicants' personal data directly, via application forms, the ChipSoft careers website, or through in-person communication, telephone calls, and/or email. Any data and documents provided by you, including contact information, resume, and motivation letter, are processed by ChipSoft:

  • to assess whether you qualify for the position for which you applied, or – in the case of an open application – whether you qualify for a position within ChipSoft;
  • to allow an assessment to be performed;
  • to enforce a law.

What do we want to know of you when you apply for a position?

  • given name and surname (required field in our application form)
  • telephone number (required field in our application form)
  • email address (required field in our application form)
  • resume (required field in our application form)
  • motivation letter (optional, no required fields)
  • IP address

For what purposes does ChipSoft process your personal data?

ChipSoft will compare the data and documents you provided to the relevant vacancy or vacancies and the corresponding qualifications and requirements. Additionally, ChipSoft will use the contact information you provided to inform you during the application process. Finally, your data are used to inform you of other vacancies or positions for which you may qualify.

What is the lawful basis for using your data?

Processing these personal data is done on the basis of consent.

For how long does ChipSoft retain your data?

ChipSoft saves applicants' data during the recruitment and selection process. The application data are (in case of rejection) deleted no later than four (4) weeks after termination or completion of the application process. Only with your express consent does ChipSoft retain the application data for a period of one (1) year after termination or completion of the application process, to inform you of any future relevant vacancies. Any anonymised data are used exclusively for internal analyses and statistical reports.

If the applicant has accepted the offer and sent the relevant documentation (passport/ID/driving licence, diplomas, any inventory forms) via secured email, they are officially a "new employee". ChipSoft will then create a Microsoft Teams account using the new employee's business email address. ChipSoft uses Microsoft Teams to inform the new employee of their first day of work and the onboarding programme.

Should you have any questions or complaints, feel free to contact us at

II. Start of employment

What personal data are processed?

If we extend a written offer and you choose to accept, we will ask that you provide the following data:

  • full given name(s), surname, and gender
  • date and place of birth
  • address, postal code, and place of residence
  • telephone number
  • marital status
  • nationality
  • diplomas
  • resume
  • ID/passport
  • holiday certificate (only applicable for (prospective) colleagues working in Belgium)

If you have started working for us and your probationary period concludes, we will apply for a Certificate of Conduct (Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag, or VOG, in Dutch). This application is made to the local government by submitting a (completely and correctly) filled in application form to the Civil Affairs department. New colleagues living in Belgium are asked to provide an extract from the Belgian criminal record (uittreksel strafregister). The employee is required to request this document from the Ministry of Justice or through a Belgian embassy. The reason for this process is that ChipSoft develops software for use in hospitals and other healthcare facilities, and our employees must be qualified to handle privacy-sensitive information with care.

For what purposes does ChipSoft process your personal data?

For the purpose of entering into a commissioning, internship, temporary, detachment, employment, or other type of agreement, or entering into and maintaining an employer-employee relationship and keeping the corresponding personnel, financial, time tracking, absence, and/or salary administration.

What is the lawful basis for using your data?

Processing your data is necessary to execute an agreement that has been or will be entered into and to which you are a party, including but not limited to a service agreement, internship agreement, employment contract, or commission agreement.

III. Campus Recruitment

ChipSoft distinguishes between applicants and potential applicants. Potential applicants comprise students and recent graduates. ChipSoft aims to establish a (long-term) relationship with this group and to draw attention to the employer as a brand. The two target groups are divided into various categories (such as educational background). For potential applicants, Campus Recruitment activities are hosted for direct recruitment (to fill internship vacancies, for example), but also to build a (long-term) relationship (during the education period, for example) which is not aimed at recruitment, but at Employer Branding.

The following activities are organised as part of Employer Branding, bringing ChipSoft as an employer to the attention of these target groups:

  • In person: ChipSoft hosts training courses, information fairs, in-house days, and other events for students and recent graduates. These take place both internally and at external locations.
  • Online: ChipSoft organises a variety of online activities to connect and stay in touch with students and recent graduates. This includes sending newsletters, blogs, invitations, and mailings. ChipSoft also carries out activities on social media, using the following platforms: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram, and YouTube. ChipSoft also uses generic job boards (such as Monsterboard, LinkedIn, De Persgroep, and Indeed). Online marketing techniques are also used (including programmatic advertising and bannering on various websites that are relevant to the different target groups).

For what purposes does ChipSoft process your personal data?

ChipSoft processes your personal data to connect with different target groups and work towards a (long-term) relationship, with the goal of sharing knowledge, promote ChipSoft as an employer, and potentially enter into a professional agreement.

What personal data are processed?

For these purposes, we process the following data of any person involved: given name and surname, email address, level and type of education, and, if applicable, a resume.

What is the lawful basis for using your data?

Processing these personal data is done on the basis of consent.

For how long does ChipSoft retain your data?

ChipSoft retains your data no longer than one (1) year after the personal data were obtained.

IV. Newsletter

For what purposes does ChipSoft process your personal data?

ChipSoft distributes newsletters to its customers, end users, and representatives of business relations. The newsletters that we send contain information about our products and various relevant topics, which we wish to share with those involved. In addition, they contain updates regarding innovations and developments within HiX, and partnerships between ChipSoft and other parties.

What personal data are processed?

For us to be able to send you the newsletter, ChipSoft uses your email address. In addition, we collect your personal details, telephone number, organisation, and functional title.

What is the lawful basis for using your data?

These personal data are processed on the basis of the legitimate interests pursued by ChipSoft, as there is a business relation between ChipSoft and the recipient.

For how long does ChipSoft retain your data?

ChipSoft retains your email address to this end for as long as you are subscribed to the newsletter and no longer than one (1) month after the subscription is cancelled.


V. Email tracking

For what purposes does ChipSoft process your personal data?

ChipSoft incorporates email tracking and link tracking in its newsletter and event emails by embedding a tiny, transparent pixel into its outgoing emails. These mailings can be received by applicants, suppliers, course participants, customers, and visitors of the ChipSoft website. When the email is opened, ChipSoft will be able to access certain information with which it can measure the effectiveness and coverage of its mailings. This analysis is used to monitor and improve the quality and methods of communication. Importantly, email tracking is only used in mass emails (newsletters and event emails), not in all of ChipSoft's email correspondence.

What personal data are processed?

  • the given name and surname of the recipient
  • the email address of the recipient
  • the subject of the message
  • the date and time the email was sent
  • confirmation that the email is received
  • confirmation that the recipient opened the email after it is received
  • timestamp of each time the email is opened
  • a history of the number of times (including date and time) the recipient has opened the email
  • the IP address from which the email was opened
  • the browser and operating system used by the recipient that opened the email
  • the number of links contained within the email
  • the text and URL of these links
  • the number of times the recipient clicked on each of these links
  • timestamps of each time the recipient clicked on the link
  • the IP address from which the recipient clicked on the link
  • the browser and operating system used by the recipient that clicked on the link

What is the lawful basis for using your data?

Processing these personal data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by ChipSoft, that is to be able to analyse the effectiveness and coverage of emails sent by ChipSoft.

For how long does ChipSoft retain your data?

ChipSoft does not retain your data any longer than is required, for the duration of the business relation, unless you request that your data be deleted sooner.

VI. Events

For what purposes does ChipSoft process your personal data?

ChipSoft processes the personal details of suppliers, course participants, and prospective customers to be able to sign them up for events. We also process the following data during events: email address, full name, the name of your healthcare facility, and any questions you ask, so that we can respond to these individually at a later time. In some cases, we use external tools to collect these questions during (larger) plenary sessions. This enables us to present the (anonymised) questions and their answers to the attendees or others who express their interest.

What do we want to know of you when you sign up for an event?

  • your given name and surname
  • functional title (may or may not be required, depends on the event)
  • the (healthcare) facility or organisation for which you work
  • telephone number
  • email address
  • IP address
  • dietary restrictions (depending on the event)
  • clothing sizes (special clothing is ordered for certain customer events, so that the attendees can be recognised by ChipSoft and by one another).

As an attendee of a ChipSoft event, you have the right to indicate that we may not use your personal data. You can make this known to us via prior to the event or to a member of the organisation during the event.

What is the lawful basis for using your data?

Processing these personal data is generally done on the basis of consent. Additionally, processing these personal data may be necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by ChipSoft. In this case, that is to organise and host events.

As an attendee of a ChipSoft event, you have the right to indicate that we may not use your personal data. You can make this known to us via prior to the event or to a member of the organisation during the event.

For how long does ChipSoft retain your data?

ChipSoft retains your data for the duration of the business relation, unless you request that your data be deleted sooner.

Photography at ChipSoft events
As an attendee of a ChipSoft event, you may be photographed. Any photos taken during the event may later be used in reporting of the event and may be published. If you wish not to be photographed, you can make this known to us via prior to the event or to a member of the organisation during the event.

VII. Training courses

For what purposes does ChipSoft process your personal data?

ChipSoft processes your personal data to be able to sign you up for a training course:

  • General: being able to make the proper arrangements for the course (food and drinks, planning regarding capacity).
  • Functional title of the participant: assessing whether the participant fits the target demographic of the course.
  • Email address of the participant: assessing whether the participant has completed the e-learning module prior to the course, if applicable; sending a Microsoft Teams invitation in the case of a remote course; creating a support account on
  • Email address and telephone number of the contact person: being able to reach out for matters regarding the course schedule.
  • Name of the participant: ChipSoft registers who has followed which course and has received a certificate. Only certified personnel within a healthcare facility are able to access the ChipSoft support website.

What do we want to know of you when you sign up for a course?

  • telephone number of the contact person
  • given name and surname of both the participant and contact person
  • functional title of the participant
  • email address of both the participant and contact person

What is the lawful basis for using your data?

In this case, processing your personal data is necessary to enter into and execute the agreement regarding the training course. These data are also required to assess requests for access to the support website.

For how long does ChipSoft retain your data?

ChipSoft does not retain participants' data any longer than is required, unless it is requested that the data be deleted sooner.

VIII. E-learning

For what purposes does ChipSoft process your personal data?

The ChipSoft e-learning modules are designed to prepare users for the safe use of HiX. The email addresses of course participants are registered in order to grant them access to the ChipSoft e-learning portal and to track the progress and scores of the modules they are enrolled in.

What personal data are processed?

ChipSoft registers the email address of all users of the e-learning portal.

What is the lawful basis for using your data?

Processing these personal data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by ChipSoft, that is to offer the best possible service to our customers. Additionally, HiX is a medical device, and users must demonstrably be authorised to use and be competent in using it.

For how long does ChipSoft retain your data?

ChipSoft retains your data to this end for as long as the agreement between ChipSoft and the relevant healthcare facility is in effect, unless it is requested that the data be deleted sooner. Healthcare facilities are able to delete course participants' data from the ChipSoft e-learning portal.

IX. Support

For what purposes does ChipSoft process your personal data?

In order to be able to provide adequate support for our products, those who have been trained by ChipSoft to this end are registered for our support system.

What personal data are processed?

This system will register your name, email address, telephone number, and the name of your healthcare facility. For every support call, we store the initial support query and any subsequent communication.

What is the lawful basis for using your data?

Processing these data is necessary to enter into and execute an agreement.

For how long does ChipSoft retain your data?

ChipSoft retains these data for no longer than six (6) months after the support query has been resolved.

 X. Project sites

For what purposes does ChipSoft process your personal data and what personal data will be processed?

During the implementation of a ChipSoft product, the project members generally use a dedicated project site. As a participant of the project, your name and email address are registered, as well as your role as a participant during the project and as a user within your healthcare facility. The project website is used to document the project planning, pending actions, software change requests, and test results.

What is the lawful basis for using your data?

Processing these personal data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by ChipSoft, that is to support the customer during the implementation.

For how long does ChipSoft retain your data?

ChipSoft retains these data for no longer than six (6) months after the agreement is terminated.

XI. Visiting ChipSoft

For what purposes does ChipSoft process your personal data?

When you visit ChipSoft, we register your data upon your arrival. The purpose of this is to know exactly who is currently in our building (Crystal Tower, Orlyplein 10, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) in the event of an emergency. Vehicle number plates are registered with regard to the number of total/available parking spaces. There are security cameras at the entrance(s) and elevators for the purpose of protecting belongings, visitors, and employees.

What personal data are processed?

For the purposes mentioned above, we process the following data:

  • full name
  • vehicle number plate
  • the person with whom you have an appointment
  • time of arrival and departure
  • date of visit
  • email address (to be used for content user groups)
  • mobile telephone number (to be used for content user groups)
  • video camera footage (at the entrance(s) and elevators)

What is the lawful basis for using your data?

Processing these personal data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by ChipSoft, that is to care for the safety of you and our employees in the event of calamities and for the planning and efficiency with regard to the capacity and distribution of available parking spaces.

For how long does ChipSoft retain your data?

ChipSoft retains these data for no longer than one (1) week after the visit. Footage from the security cameras is not retained any longer than is required, which is at most four (4) weeks, unless an incident occurs.

The data we process for the content user groups are not retained any longer than is required, unless you request that the data be deleted sooner.

 XII. Tenders and contracts

For what purposes does ChipSoft process your personal data?

If you wish to purchase products and/or services from ChipSoft, or if you are an existing customer wishing to obtain additional products and/or services, we will always submit a suitable offer containing a description of the relevant products and/or services, as well as any additional matters, provisions, and/or requirements that apply. Your personal data are required to correctly identify you as the addressee on any offers and contracts.

What personal data are processed?

  • full name
  • functional title
  • gender
  • address details
  • contact details
    • telephone number
    • email address

What is the lawful basis for using your data?

These personal data are processed on the basis of the legitimate interests pursued by ChipSoft, that is to maintain a proper customer-supplier relationship and level of communication.

For how long does ChipSoft retain your data?

ChipSoft does not retain your data any longer than is required, unless you request that the data be deleted sooner.

 XIII. Billing

For what purposes does ChipSoft process your personal data?

ChipSoft processes your personal data to ensure that any bills are sent to the correct recipient. The name of the person to whom the bill is to be addressed is registered.

What information do we ask when creating a debtor?

  • given name and surname of the contact person, to put on the bills (this may also be a department)
  • the address of the healthcare facility or supplier

What is the lawful basis for using your data?

In this case, processing your personal data is necessary to enter into and execute the agreement regarding billing. These data are required to prevent as much as possible any delays in the payment process of the healthcare facility or supplier; in other words, to ensure that the bills are directly sent to the correct party.

For how long does ChipSoft retain your data?

ChipSoft does not retain your data any longer than is required, unless you request that the data be deleted sooner.

 XIV. Innovatieplatform

For what purposes does ChipSoft process your personal data?

The ChipSoft Innovatieplatform processes personal data for the purpose of supporting its initiatives, which includes Gebruikersgroepen, Round Tables, HiX Tips & Tricks, HiX-Netwerken, and the HiX Innovatie Magazine. The personal data are used to, for example, invite HiX ambassadors to Innovatieplatform events, discuss HiX developments, and share information about all that HiX has to offer.

What personal data are processed?

  • healthcare facility
  • given name
  • infix (e.g. "van" or "de")
  • surname
  • functional title
  • email address
  • (mobile) telephone number
  • dietary restrictions (if applicable)
  • IP address (in the case of HiX Innovatie Magazine mailings)

What is the lawful basis for using your data?

Processing these personal data is generally done on the basis of consent. Additionally, processing these personal data may be necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by ChipSoft. These interests comprise Innovatieplatform initiatives aimed at enriching HiX, sharing knowledge, reflecting on new developments, and/or sharing news about innovations.

As a HiX ambassador with the Innovatieplatform, you have the right to indicate that we may not use your personal data. You can make this known to us via

For how long does ChipSoft retain your data?

ChipSoft retains your data for the duration of the business relation, unless you request that the data be deleted sooner.

Photography during initiative events

As a HiX ambassador with the Innovatieplatform, you may be photographed. Any photos taken during an event may later be used in reporting of the event and may be published. If you wish not to be photographed, you can make this known to us via prior to the event or to a member of the organisation during the event.

 XV. Datawarehouse

For what purposes does ChipSoft process your personal data?

ChipSoft processes your personal data to be able to implement Datawarehouse correctly and regularly inform users of new Datawarehouse developments.

What personal data are processed?

ChipSoft processes your name, email address, telephone number, and functional title.

What is the lawful basis for using your data?

Processing these personal data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by ChipSoft, that is to support the customer during the implementation and in their work.

For how long does ChipSoft retain your data?

ChipSoft retains these data for no longer than six (6) months after the agreement for HiX Datawarehouse is terminated.

XVI. Cookie statement

ChipSoft uses various cookies on its websites. As such, we would like to inform you about the ways in which we collect and manage information about users of our website. This cookie statement explains what cookies are, which cookies ChipSoft uses, what they do, how to accept or reject cookies, and in what ways you can contact us. By using our websites, you agree to the conditions detailed below.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small (text) file that is saved onto your computer, tablet, smartphone, or other electronic device (hereafter "computer") when you visit a website. Because the cookie is stored on your computer, your computer can be recognised and information can be collected; think of information about your browsing behaviour, such as the way in which you navigate the website.

What types of cookies are there?

  • Functional (essential) cookies

These cookies are necessary to ensure that the website functions properly. They are responsible for functions such as remembering your password and language preferences.

  • Analytical cookies

These cookies track the way in which users navigate our website. This allows us to analyse the use of our website and record visitor statistics, in turn enabling us to further improve and optimise our website.

  • Tracking cookies

Our website also contains hyperlinks to third-party websites and social media buttons, including a YouTube button, which enables visitors to view videos on our website. YouTube places its own cookies as well, but only if you agree or have agreed to this.

Allowing, rejecting, and deleting cookies

Cookies that require your permission are only saved on your computer if you have consented to this by clicking on 'Accept' in the cookie banner that appears when you first visit our website.

If you wish to reject certain types of cookies, or withdraw your permissions at a later time, you are able to manage your cookie settings. You are also able to delete any previously saved cookies. This can be done from the settings of your internet browser, such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Safari. Another option is to configure your internet browser such that you will be notified if a website uses cookies. You can then decide whether you want to accept of reject these each time you visit. For more information about managing cookies in your particular internet browser, please refer to the browser's help function.

Cookies on

Our website uses the following cookies:

  • functional (essential) cookies
  • analytical cookies
  • tracking cookies

On, third-party cookies are placed by Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, and HubSpot.    

Why does use cookies? places cookies to offer visitors the best possible experience when using our website. These cookies enable certain functionalities and help us analyse the use and efficiency of We use the information obtained from these cookies to make our website as user-friendly and interesting as possible, and to improve on the overall quality of the website. We never sell your data to third parties. Our website contains hyperlinks to third-party websites and social media buttons. ChipSoft is not and cannot be held responsible for the contents of these external websites or the services of the relevant social media platforms. Additionally, ChipSoft is not and cannot be held responsible for the privacy policy of, and the use of cookies on these websites and platforms.

Cookies on uses functional and analytical cookies to optimise the website. As these types of cookies only minimally impact your privacy, they are exempted from the consent requirement in the cookie law. This means that ChipSoft does not require your permission to place these cookies.

Why does use cookies? places cookies to offer visitors the best possible experience when using the website. The cookies enable certain functionalities and help us analyse the use and effectiveness of We use the information obtained from these cookies to make our website as user-friendly and interesting as possible. We also use cookies to allow the website to save your login credentials, so that you do not have to enter these with every visit. Certain cookies we place enable us to detect any misuse of our website. The cookies that we place are deleted automatically when you close your web browser. We never sell your data to third parties.

 XVII. Who has access to your data?

We only share your data within ChipSoft with colleagues, and only if necessary. All of our employees are bound by strict confidentiality obligations. We only provide personal data to the police and justice department if we are legally obligated to fulfil such a request.

We work with suppliers who process personal data on behalf of our organisation; so-called 'processors'. Any processor is bound by a data processing agreement which they enter into with ChipSoft. Prior to working with any third party, we assess and review the security measures and adherence to privacy regulations, and will perform periodic reassessments; this also applies to adherence to the data processing agreements entered into.

Examples include:

  • external hosting providers, such as cloud providers for the storage and management of your data;
  • external parties providing applications/tools, including for the purposes of recruitment/assessments, employment placement, or personnel management;
  • other specific outsourced tasks, such as email marketing, IT support, and facility management;
  • assistance from external advisers and/or consultants.

Where are your data stored?

Certain processors are located outside the European Economic Area (EEA), namely in the United States. In order to comply with EU legislation regarding data protection in the case of data transfer to a third country or international organisation, ChipSoft only allows service providers outside the EEA to process personal data if these countries are covered by an adequacy decision (Art. 45 GDPR), and in the case of the United States, when the organisation participates in the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF). If this is not the case, processors may also be retained in accordance with and bound by a contractual agreement entered into by ChipSoft and the processor, containing the standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission, which guarantee that appropriate safeguards are provided for the data subject (Art. 46(3)(c) GDPR).

What are your rights?

Under the GDPR, you have certain rights with regard to your personal data and the processing of these data:

  • Right of access: you have the right to access the personal data which have been collected and obtain additional information about the processing of your personal data.
  • Right to rectification: you have the right to submit a request for rectification of incorrect, incomplete, or otherwise inaccurate personal data. If possible, you may supply supplementary information so that we may rectify the personal data.
  • Right to be forgotten: in certain situations, you have the right to request that ChipSoft delete collected personal data.
  • Right to restrict processing: in certain situations, you have the right to request that the processing of your personal data be restricted, for example if you contest the accuracy of the personal data. If the request is honoured, ChipSoft will suspend processing the relevant personal data for the duration of the restriction, unless continuing to do so is allowed under the GDPR.
  • Right to object: you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by ChipSoft.
  • Right to data portability: you have the right to request to obtain your personal data, which you have provided to ChipSoft, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and you have the right to transmit this data to another controller, where the data is processed on the basis of your consent or the performance of a contract to which you are a party.
  • Right to object to direct marketing: where personal data are processed for the purpose of direct marketing, you have the right to object to such processing at all times. In that case, ChipSoft will cease processing your personal data for these purposes.
  • Withdraw consent: in those cases where processing your personal data happens on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any moment. Withdrawing consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing of data that happened prior to your withdrawing your consent.
  • Right to human intervention: you have the right not to be subject to a decision which is based solely on automatic processing and which significantly affects you. This means you have the right to challenge an automated decision and request a new, human decision. ChipSoft does not currently use any form of automated decision-making.

Please address any of the requests above to ChipSoft via In an effort to ensure that it is you who makes the request, we may request additional information to help verify your identity. The same applies for incomplete or inadequate requests.

How do we secure personal data?

We take appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the privacy of all parties involved and to protect the confidentiality of their personal data. ChipSoft's infrastructure is subject to constant monitoring. We can detect and respond to any threats or attacks at a moment's notice. We have policies and procedures in place that allow any data breaches to be reported promptly. Additionally, ChipSoft's infrastructure is constantly scanned for viruses, harmful software, and attempted system breaches. Any personal data are transmitted via a secured internet connection (TLS). Our systems are configured such that only certain employees have access to personal data; this access is restricted to employees whose position requires them to process personal data.

Do you have any questions or complaints?

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) at ChipSoft is registered with the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens, the Dutch Data Protection Authority. The DPO sees to it that any personal data processed by ChipSoft are processed in accordance with the requirements of the law. Should you have any questions regarding this privacy statement and/or the way in which ChipSoft processes your data, please contact our DPO via the email address below. Any complaints regarding the way in which ChipSoft processes your data can also be directed to this email address. Additionally, you may lodge a complaint with the national supervisory authority for the processing and protection of personal data. In the Netherlands, that is the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP).

Should you have any questions or complaints, feel free to contact the Privacy team or the DPO:

  • You can contact the Privacy team via email (
  • You can contact the DPO via email (, or by writing to ChipSoft BV, PO box 37039, 1030 AA, Amsterdam / ATTN: Data Protection Officer.

This privacy statement was last revised on 09-09-2024. ChipSoft reserves the right to edit this privacy statement at any time. Any changes will be documented and made public on this website. If you continue using the website after these changes, the most recent version of the privacy statement will apply.